Dr.Mrs. Future Show - Space News, Detecting Massive Methane Leaks on Earth, Twitter and Real Freedom of Speech Now

Listen Now to Dr. Mrs. Future Show 11.01.2022 Free Speech
The first hour has lots of space news, with the launch of the Falcon Heavy launching top secret Space Force sats on board, detecting asteroids when in the glare of the sun, discovering water at the Martian equator, revealing the major Earth methane super-emitters from detectors on the ISS, and tentacle robots for dexterity.
The second hour was more about issues surrounding freedom of speech, with lots of call-ins, and discussion of Elon Musk’s take over of Twitter, and the related Pelosi incident in SF. How we actually practice freedom of speech was a big part of the discussion, including the freedom to be racist, given maximum respect to others. We also discuss the new freedom of expression allowed by having many more sources of news and response than ever before, thanks to the internet. Enjoy!