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Entries in Greg Panos (14)


E3 Begins, Fully Autonomous Car Fleet for US by 2025, AR VR Report by pundit Agent Greg Panos.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 6.16.2015

It is the summer, we are on the road, but the show continues, as there are many new amazing things to report.  We were quite impressed with a paper by Zack Kanter entitled “How Uber’s Autonomous Cars will Destroy 10 Million Jobs and Reshape the Exonomy by 2025,” and spend some time discussing it.  

This is a big week for Virtual and Augmented Reality fans, with the AWE 2015 and E3 events unfolding.  To bring us up to speed here we have our favorite pundit Greg Panos on deck, to help us make sense of it all! Enjoy!

Oculus’s forthcoming consumer virtual-reality headset, Rift, with new 3D controllers


Looking for the Future at the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas`

Listen Now to our live NAB show with Gregory Panos

This week we take our show on the road to The National Association of Broadcasters, in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada.  Well, mostly sunny.  We had a really bad dust storm that made the sun look like the moon for a few hours.  It was reminiscent of dusty days on the Playa, at Burning Man, also in the Nevada desert, just a little further north and out..

L-R Greg Panos, Al & Sun Lundell broadcasting the Dr. Future Show at NAB

To comment with us on the many interesting things we saw at NAB, we have Gregory Panos, a long time cohort and pundit in the evoling media world. He has been especially tracking the new wave of augmented and virtual reality that is currently sweeping the mediosphere.

We talk about 360 degree live VR rigs, BlackMagic’s new  breakthrough cinema cam, wooden cameras, and wishing for our favorite weathercaster from Maui, “Sue Nomi”.

The Drone Pavilion was chalk full of new flying robots from all over the world, with live demos all day. 

We had a lot of fun at the show and are looking forward to sharing with you what we gleaned from this big show.

The GoPro booth at NAB was a popular strange attractor for media pioneers



New Earth Type Planet Discoverered, Musk donates $10 Million to keep AI Safe, Pop Up Nanoassembly, Methuselah Fly Created, CES Update from Greg Panos, SpicePharma with Kitty Wells 

Listen Now to the Dr. Future Show 1.20.2014

Wow, a new earth type planet discovered, Kepler 438-b, a mere 500 light years away! Perhaps we can harness our evolving AI intelligences to create a breakthrough in Faster Than Life drives, so we can get there in a reasonable amount of time.  Well, maybe the AI’s don’t care so much about time, after all, circuit boards can survive deep space for thousands if not millions of years!   With the Future of Life Institute supported to the tune of $10 million to make sure AI’s grow up right, we might just see such inventions.

Meanwhile, Greg Panos gives us a more in-depth download of his adventures at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, from VR goggles to drones to autonomous vehicles.  And this week we also chat with Kitty Wells, about her hot (literally) SpicePharm creations that take chai and hot chocolate to the next level of yumminess and healthiness (while you listen to Dr. Future).  Enjoy!

 Forumlator Kitty Wells mixing up some Spice Elixers


Mrs. Future tangles with Elon Musk detractor, Chinese moon probe examined, guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos on virtual collaborative art and augmented reality.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 12.17.13

A lively show this week, starting off early on Ethan’s show, with a brief debate between Sun (Mrs. Future) and talk show host Ethan Bearman, regarding Ethan’s latest article,  ”Why Elon Musk is a Poor Person’s Worst Nightmare.”

The conversation continues into our show, followed by our guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos in the studio for both segments. Fortunately, besides their areas of expertise, our esteemed guests are good comprehensive generalists on all things future, fitting well with our discussion of current future topics.

Two of our biggest fans of the show, Greg and Richard are no strangers to future think, with Greg being one of the earliest researchers in Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Richard as a professional singer exploring many high tech artistic opportunities.  We discuss and play, for example, Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir presentations, with thousands of singers participating from around the planet. 

This pic of Greg and Richard was taken immediately after the show, during a most spectacular sunset.


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