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Entries in Fukushima (2)


Fukushima Update - Nuclear expert Dr. Richard A. Wullaert, Ph.D. gives us his latest assessment. Is the US West Coast in Jeopardy?

Listen Now to Dr. Richard Wullaert

We’ve heard stories of late regarding Fukushima steam raising from Reactor 3 and radiation poisoning our tuna and touching our Western shores.  Is this really true, or simply more alarmist stories?  

To help sort rumor from fact we bring you Dr. Richard Wullaert, a former nuclear industry scientist, who has been tracking Fukushima since the day of it’s unfortunate accident.

Links he has suggested for more info include:

Safecast, a global sensor network for collecting and sharing radiation measurements to empower people with data about their environments.

Arnie Gunderson’s website, a level-headed investigator of the issue.

A Helen Calicott conference on the “Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident” 

Medical sites covering radiation sickness issues regarding Fukushima, such as

Dr. Apsley and Dr. Sircus.  This show should answer your most burning, or should I say most fissionable questions regarding Fukushima.  Enjoy..



Fukushima Update with Richard A. Wullaert, Ph.D.

Listen Now to Fukushima update with Dr. Wullaert

The Fukushima nuclear disaster is over two years old now, and we keep hearing more and more horror stories.  We’ve heard that massive numbers of fish contaminated, radioactive clouds heading our way, Tsunami debris hitting our shores is hot, etc., etc..  So, we thought it was a good time for a reality check on this issue, see what the situation is and what the health risks are currently.

Dr. Wullaert has over 40 years experience in the nuclear energy world, including being principal investigator and project manager for large programs concerned with the mechanical properties/fracture toughness of reactor materials and the structural integrity of reactor components. He spent a lot of his time thinking about and evaluation the work being done at Fukushima to contain the radiation.  

In our interview he shares with us what he knows about the repairs on the reactor and the potential health risks of the disaster.

The following links are references from his interview with us: