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Entries in drones (13)


Future News - Tesla's Autopilot, Current State of Autonomy and other Car's Driver Assist Options, Lyft vs Uber, Drone Registration Imminent

Listen Now to Future News 10.20.2015

The pace of autonomous vehicles has picked up in the last few weeks, with many new services and features being offered by automotive and drone companies.  In this episode we discuss not only the latest features and benefits of new technologies, but the new regulations looming over the entire field.  Exciting times, tempered with cautious optimism.  Enjoy!


Future News and DJI Educator Romeo Durscher on the Drone Revolution

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 4.28.2015 Drones

Space X chalks up another couple of successes, sonic ‘accoustraments’ redefine controls for your smart phone, NASA’s got a new car, and Drones are coming in mass to Santa Cruz this week!  Find out more about the drone conference and what you might see from educator Romeo Dursher, who is working DJI, a very popular drone company, who shares with us his passion for the flying technology and the new era of flight that this represents.


Future News - Maker's have Major Fun while Media Titans Consolidate and MIA tells a Cautionary Tale of Hope

Yes, the Maker Faire happened last weekend, and the Bay Area was out in force, showing off everything from the latest in 3D printers to the Game of Drones and El Pulpo Mechanico!
And really, what’s up with AT&T buying DirecTV?  We have a unique take on that proposed merger.  And then there is the transgenic pig revolution to consider as well…
And in terms of pop culture, we’ve noticed how some of our favorite memes have been expressed in a new music video by MIA, in a cautionary almost scary way, but cool… Check it out!

State of the Drones, Dr. Bruce Damer on Space Research and Tourism

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 12.03.13

With Jeff Bezos announcing Amazon’s intention to use Drones for package delivery, we take a closer look at the technology, especially in how it may actually impact our lives, what kind of infrastructure is likely to be put in place in the near future.  We have several callers who share their thoughts on this topic, including it’s impact on the issue of privacy.

We also welcome Dr. Bruce Damer to the show, as we discuss his latest projects with NASA and the future of space research, tourism, and the emerging solar system economy.


Dr. Future News - New Google Services, Bitcoin Evolution, Drones on my mind

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show News 8.20.13

Be prepared to be rewarded for surrendering your digital info to Google, with a host of new services on the way. Governments are starting to pay attention to Bitcoin in news ways, and Drones are coming home! Details in this show..