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Entries in drones (13)


Dr. Future News - Mars update, Big Data gets Bigger, the Drone Revolution, Playa Thrival Tips

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 8.21.12

It’s nice to see Curiousity starting to do some serious work on the Martian landscape.  The onboard laser is quite powerful and very useful for analyzing rocks and such..Meanwhile, back on Earth, Big Data gets bigger with some major new tools from Google, and Drones get smaller, more capable, and in some cases, more lethal..

It’s Playa Time soon, so we interviewed some major Burners to help you not just survive but thrive out on the Black Rock Desert, tips on food, tech, clothes, and sex on the playa!



Dr. Future News - April Fool's Stories, Blind Driver in Google Car, Bonobo's on the net, TacoCopter, mouse quantumly teleported into the past, Captain Scotty Miller of the Magic Love Bus undertakes a cross country trip.  

Listen Now Dr. Future News 4.03.12

Yes, the April Fool’s stories were out in force this week, and we are on it, sharing with you some we’ve heard, and some that turned out to be true!  We also interview the Captain of the Magic Love Bus, Scotty Miller, in this segment and where is the trip going next..



Dr. Future News- Inhalable Caffeine, DIY Biotech , Drones@home, Space Garbage Collectors

Listen Now Dr. Future News 2.21.12

A whole new food delivery system is being pioneered, Breathable Foods, with the latest product being inhalable caffeine.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg, with all kinds of new things coming our way, thanks to the cheap and out of control world of Do It Yourself Biotech.  

FDA to Review Inhalable Caffeine

Not to be left behind,  the drone market is growing quickly, thanks to drops in cost, and promises to impact just about every sector of society, from police to the real estate market..

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