Dr. Madhava Setty, M.D. with Dr. Michael Arnold on some Significant Peculiarities of the VAERS Data

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show with Drs. Setty and Arnold 11.09.21
Future News is but the first 15 minutes of this show, as our in-studio guest, Dr. Madhava Setty arrived a bit Dr. Madhava Setty, M.D. early and we started in with him almost immediately. A board-certified anesthesiologist, Dr. Setty has been looking very closely at the Covid data in the VAERS database, and has discovered some very intriquing patterns. In terms of his Health Risk/Benefit assessment regarding the vaccines, Dr. Setty shows that the data suggests it really depends on your health and age group, when it comes to determining your course of action.
Later Dr. Setty is joined by Dr. Michael Arnold, M.D., author of How to Save Your Loved Ones from Covid. The docs field quite a few questions from our callers, and look at the Science (not) behind the Mandates, the somewhat suspicious manipulation of the Pfizer trial data, including the child vaccine trials. One big question discussed - Why were so many of the vaccine trial partipants pulled from the final data shortly after their second shot?
Also under discussion are the thoughts of virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., who has said thatDr. Michael Arnold, M.D. introducing a vaccine during a pandemic is a bad idea, as it may help spawn new variants. Dr. Setty points out that if you wished to create new variants, introducing a vaccine during the pandemic is indeed an excellent way of doing so.. Much to discuss, so little time. but we did it in a way we think you’ll appreciate. as we all want to get the truth out to you as best as we can. Enjoy..

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