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Entries in cross breeding (1)


Future News- Migrating to Mars, Facebook Copyright Hoax, Sasquatch DNA, Cross breeding Endangered Species, Gourmet robot burgers, Pentagon Tries to Avoid Terminators.

Elon Musk has got us thinking about Mars again with plans to increase the oxygen content of the atomosphere to the point where it can sustain human life. It’s at that magic flash point, he predicts, when everyone who can afford a half million dollars to leave Earth can become a Mars colonist.  That’s the magic number for leaving this planet, the cost of the average California burb house…Sounds about right..
Also of major interest this week is a new approach to dealing with creatures on the verge of extinction.
 “Breed them back into existence!” some new conservationists say, “with related species.”  What?  Not keep them purebreed.  Heresey from the current paradigm of creature preservation..
Gee, and then there’s the latest DNA evidence of Big Foot.  Apparently 15,000 years ago a North American woman cross bred with another species, creating the elusive creature..
Robots are also advancing with a new robotic hamburger helper that’ll make them your way, at 360 burgers an hour, as we see the approaching launch of the first restuarant chain that profitably sells gourmet hamburgers. Not be left behind, as the Pentagon evolves new robots that can turn you into hamburger meat, they’ve been looking at how they can make sure that there is a human somewhere in the equation making the ‘kill’ decisions. No sir, no Terminators in this shop…