Future News - Battery Day on Planet Earth, Tim Welch on Freedom Concert in Santa Cruz, COVID-19 Management with Dr. Paul Marik, Wildfire Control Brainstorm, Venusian/ Black Hole Updates

Listen Now to The Dr.Mrs. Future Show 9.22.2020
Hey, it was Battery Day today and Bobby Wilder gives us a little update on Elon’s latest announcement. And in Santa Cruz, a lot of folks are fed up with the virus restrictions and are staging a concert to open up the town. Organizer Tim Welch is here to tell us all about it. And for our medical geek listeners, you’ll enjoy the info from the front lines of two docs who have been treating COVID-19 patients and have posted a very clear, easy-to-grok timeline of the virus’s life cycle, and what treatments are best when. If this interests you check out the full video in our links page, or right here..
We then explore some novel approaches to controlling wildfires, including sound waves and a gas nitrogen bomb. A fundraiser for our Boulder Creek Volunteer Fire Department is then discussed, with names and phone numbers for more info.
And finally, some updates on space news regarding finding signs of life on Venus and “stupendously large black holes,” or SLABs. They can be as large as 100 Billion star masses in size. Compare this to our very own black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, at only 4.5 million solar masses. SLABs are a new frontier for studying dark matter. Enjoy!