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John Draper aka Captain Crunch shares info on Mobile Phone Security and Election Fraud

Listen Now to John Draper aka Captain Crunch

This week we feature our interview with John Draper, aka Captain Crunch, a well-known American computer hacker and friend, who shares with us previously unknown vulnerabilities of the global cell phone network, specifically the SS7 Signaling System, which dates back 40 years, before the Internet and modern day telecommunications.  

John also shares info on the best apps to use on your smart phone for secure encrypted communications, especially Signal, from Open Whisper Systems.  We also delve into election voting fraud and John shares a personal story that may have bigger implications.. Enjoy!

P.S. John is open to email contact directly with the public, but please use only encrypted services if you want to discuss something privately with him..via the audio/text apps, use Signal and Wickr. For secure video use Jitsi when possible. Otherwise Skype will work. John’s moniker is “jdcrunchman” with most of these services and other less secure systems, like Messenger, Whatsapp, Facetime, or Gmail.

John Draper aka Captain Crunch with Allan Lundell aka Dr. Future photo-Giséle Bisson

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