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Lunar Radio Telescope Activated, Ocean Reefs Renewed with Sound, Plastic from Bananas, and KSCO Radio Engineers Richard B. Luther II, and Bill Graff on 5G Radio Frequency and Health

Listen Now to the Dr.Mrs.Future Show with radio engineers Richard B. Luther II and Bill Graff on 5G

After our scintillating future news segment we introduce you to KSCO’s radio engineer and ex-NASA scientist, Richard B. Luther II, who starts with a brief history of mobile radio communications, taking us from the early days of 100 lbs of electronics in the trunk to tomorrow’s 5G cellular networks.

Richard also tells us of a large number of studies done on the potential hazards of RF. To understand the potential interaction of radio frequencies with biology he makes the point that you need to track the frequency, power level, and duration of exposure. 

L-R Radio Engineers Richard B. Luther and Bill Graff discussing 5GKSCO’s other station engineer, Bill Graff, then joins the discussion to share his work and insights into RF, having worked with powerful radio transmitters for over 40 years on a daily basis. As you might imagine, we field quite a few calls, with many listeners very concerned about the potential negative health effects of the new 5G cellular networks.

Richard makes the very good point that the specific frequencies for U.S. 5G carriers have not as yet been settled, with AT&T proposing 39 Ghz, Verizon 28 Ghz, and T-Mobile rolling out with the well-known (and considered biologically safe) 600 Mhz band.

It’s still early in the game, but the debate for the future of mobile communication is on! And let us not forget that there are other options arising, should 5G prove to be too hazardous for our health. Take Project Starlink, for example… Enjoy!



Update on Artificial Intelligence with AI researchers Drs. Eliot Handelman, Andie Sigler and Casey X

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 2.21.2017

With all the talk these days about bringing jobs back to America, and Bill Gates talking about taxing robots, we catch up with our favorite Artificial Intelligence researchers from Canada. Drs. Eliot Handelman and Andie Sigler, with their Cartoon Network associate, Casey X, give us an update on their latest thinking about AI.  What do humans do if smart robots are doing all the work?  Eliot suggests our species become more focused on creativity, fostering the divine spark within us, something the robots cannot grasp or conceive of as yet. Andie suggests we see the rise of the machines as an extension rather than of foe of ourselves. The question of jobs and education is broached as well by Mrs. Future, who helps in the elucidatation of these topics with our erudite (and fun) guests. Enjoy!

L-R Casey X, Dr.Mrs. Future, Drs. Eliot Handelman, Andie Sigler


The Futures speak with George Noory

Listen now to the Futures talking to George Noory

We had a chance to chat with late night talk show host George Noory, of CoasttoCoastam on this weekend’s Saturday Special, with Michael Zwerling.  Dr. Future asks how meeting the world’s luminaries have influenced his belief system of what’s reality.