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Entries in audio podcast (10)


67 Future Now Podcast - Ergothioneine, the 'longevity vitamin,' Adaptogenic Superblend MycoSpectrum, Tauonium-Beyond Hydrogen, The upcoming Starship Flight #4, Dreamchaser to take Flight, Dandelion Rubber, Personality and Dementia

Listen Now to 67 Future Now Podcast 

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Though we covered a fair number of topics in today’s podcast, we kept coming back to discussing the health benefits of fungi, from how they assist the ATP Kreb cycle in generating bodily  energy to memory enhancement and longevity.  We also had the priviledge of once again speaking with Gabrielle Cianfrani, who has created an adaptogenic blend of 14 fungi for optimal health. And there’s something about Ergothioneine and improved cognition and energy.. Go figure.. Meanwhile, Starship Test #4 will be flying shortly as will the Dreamchaser space plane!


62 Future Now Podcast - Living Solar Panels, Llama 3 freely available, Messages from Voyager, Light Sail 3 Launched, Dune 2 & Antisocial Network reviews, Our view of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla's world changing predictions, AI $$ ideas, jokes, and blended coffee!

A promising future lies in potential symbiotic relationships between our tech and nature.  A example of theat lies with the use of algae in the generation of energy from solar panels.  And…how might the climate change gas of methane be actually useful in making things better for us and our planet?  This week, the Planetary Society’s latest Solar Sail spacecraft is now in orbit, and if successful, could pave the way for easy and cheap travel to other planets..slow but steady.. We were inspired by Nina Paley’s review of the new Dune 2 movie and had to share some quotes with you. And while on the movie front, Mrs. Future had some profound things to say about the Netflix documenatry, “The Antisocial Network,” about the history of 4chan and how it led to the QAnon conspiracy theory and the January 6th riots. Nothing to think about there :-) . 
We also discuss some of the big future predictions of venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, such as how expertise will soon be free and we’ll all use AI agents for getting information.  And there are our initial experiments to see how the AI’s can make $$ for us, including the use of humor.  Also  this week we enlisted the free ‘expertise’ of coffee entrepreneur Gabrielle Cianfrani in evaluating AI’s foray into coffee blending, and it’s somewhat atypical choices.  Enjoy!
AI creates a new kind of coffee blend that is very tasty

45 Future Now Show - Apple Vision Pro Release, new Optimus Robot, Scintillating Commentary and Interview with storied Astrologer Henry Seltzer on What's Up Now!

Listen to the  Future Now Show 12.26.2023


Welcome to our last show of the year 2023! It’s been a good year for us, spiraling up from the disaster of the Optimus whipping up some breakfast for his biological buddies.Jan 6 storm that devastated our beach house and automobiles. This week Future News covers the imminent release of Apple Vision Pro and the latest version of Optimus, the Tesla robot, an automated restaurant and our scintillating commentary.  And in the second hour we bring to the mic acclaimed astrologer and author, Henry Seltzer who shares with us his astrological insights as to what’s up now and what we may expect to experience in the coming year.  It’s the time of Eris, a feminine warrior energy serving profound aspirations of the soul. So shall we take back our personal power, anyone? Happy New Year!

Astrologer Henry Seltzer with Sun Lundell (Mrs. Future)


26 Future Now Show - On the Road Interview - Catherine Miller on Passionate Living in Buffalo, NY

Listen Now to Catherine Miller

This week we find ourselves in Buffalo, NY where we speak with TV  producer Catherine Miller about social media censorship, serving the highest good, empathetic conflict resolution, working with today’s youth, and her hallmark show, Passionate Living, devoted to showing how people heal and help  each other in communities across the nation and around the world.  We think you’ll find her very engaging, one of those persons whom, if you know her, you love her. You will also meet Rifat, her media assistant, who asks some questions about today’s sexuality issues towards the end. Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell with Catherine Miller at Niagara Falls


25 Future Now Show - Interview on the road with Penny Kelly, founder of Conscious Living Institute

Listen Now to Penny Kelly

In our journey cross continent, we stop for a couple of days at Lilly Hill Farms, in Lawton, Michigan, home of famed psychic, consciousness pionee, automotive engineer, author and farmer, Penny Kelly.  Ever since her Kundalini awakening 40 years ago, in which she became aware and in communication with the bigger ‘movie’ in which we are all in, she has been helping people connect with their higher, truer, and more real selves.  With her work more online these days, she still lives at her beautiful retreat center and farm in rural Michigan, away from the noise and thought forms of today’s modern metropolitan areas.  In our podcast she shares with us some of her journey, including her initial awakening experience, communication with other dimensional beings, her understaning of the stages of consciousness development, and how not to get ‘lost in the soup.’ We had a lot of fun learning with her and we think you will too! Enjoy!

L-R Allan & Sun Lundell, Penny Kelly

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