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94 Future Now Podcast - Best stories of 2024, JWST Discoveries, Universal "ISness", Interview with Halle Blessing and Teresa Bell on Bliss Mountain, Interactive AI Experiment 

Listen to 94 Future Now Podcast

Welcome to our last show of 2024, where we recall some of our fav stories of the year, from quantum computing to the James West Space Telescope findings, to microtubules and the seat of consciousness in the New Years with Hallelujah Blessing and Teresa Bellbrain. And let us not forget the “ISness” as defined by one of our guests this week, none other than Hallelujah Blessing, co-creator of the Bliss Mountain Retreat in beautiful Lake County, Californa. He is joined by his beloved, Teresa Bell, who sings a blessing for the new year before sharing with us a little about who and what she and Hallelujah are creating. We also have history with them from their days in Santa Cruz, where we shared many adventuers with them, some of which we share in this week’s podcast. I think you’ll also like our little experiment with “Larry and Mary,” our favorite AI hosts, where we test out their new interactive mode! Enjoy..

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