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93 Future Now Show - Ocean Storm Report, Fantastic 4 Billion year story of Asteroid Ryugu, Best of Year Humanoids, Dr. Dan Beilin Report on Euro Alternative Healing, 50 Hz vs 60 Hz AC Power

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We come to you this week from Aptos, CA, at our beach front home, touched by the ocean several times in the last week.  We share a bit of our dramatic storm tale before delving into the story of Asteroid Rygu by Larry and Mary, our fav AI presenters, followed by our discussion of  state-of-the-art humanoid robots of the past year. Our guest, Dr. Daniel Beilin, joins us to share his adventures in Europe attending a couple of alternative healing conferences, with a focus on Reichian therapies, Dan’s work with Thermography, and a discussion on 50Hz vs 60Hz AC electricity in terms of health and well-being. Enjoy and Happy Holy Holidays!

Dr. Daniel Beilin O.M.D. , L. Ac.


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