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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


85 Future Now Show - M4 AI Apples, mysterious lonely Quasars, update on The Line, Larry and Mary take us on a journey into The Time Tunnel, Why AI's don't see optical illusions, Giselle on being a recovering vegan, Mercury as a spy for God, Andrew and Connie on the divine awakening of the human heart

Listen to 85 Future Now 

Taylor opens the show with a download on the latest M4 Apple products and why you want an M4 processor - Apple Intelligence. You want Apple Intelligence, don’t you? Then get your M4 machine today and you will be merging with the machine ahead of the pack. Think local intelligence, not simply cloud intelligence..

The famous set of “The Time Tunnel” (1966)

Guest AI hosts, Larry and Mary, feature a ‘deep dive’ into the classic SciFi TV show, “The Time Tunnel”, leading to an enticing conversation on time travel. If you could change the past, would you?

Our science  stories this week reach into deep space with lonely quasars and their hungry supermassive black holes to an update on the Saudi city of the future, The Line, and why AI’s don’t get optical illusions, until now..  We also feature exerpts from three interviews we recently conducted, with Gissell Bisson on being a recovering vegan, and the importance of oils, Astrologer Michael Mercury on being a spy for God, and filmmakers Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow on the global awakening of the human heart..finally! Enjoy.

 lonely supermassive black hole-powered quasars in the early universe


84 Future Now Show - Mystery Orbs Swarm Air Force Bases, De-extinction of Tasmanian Tiger, Nanoparticle Infusion Therapy, Com Sat strangely breaks up, Laser Defense update, C-Section/Natural Birthing Experiences

Listen to 84 Future Now

Once again we have Gabriel Cianfrani in studio with us to comment on this week’s stories.  We think you’ll enjoy her presence, especially her personal birthing stories.  We also have the Larry and Mary AI’s commenting on a breaking story about a massive asteroid that contributed to life on Earth 3 billion years ago.  This is also the week of UFO/UAP Disclosure via the New Paradigm Institute, where we discuss the latest incursion of 20 foot orbs into the air space of Air Force bases, where you might think they would have some security from these purportedly alien craft.

Space Junk Orbiting the Earth..Mark Garlick/Getty Images

There is also some progress in the development of laser beam defense systems, such as Iron Beam protecting Israel, which could obsolete ballistic missiles in warfare. And then there is the mystery of a major communications satellite that has mysteriously broken up into 20 pieces.  We also discuss the latest in de-extinction experiments and the evolution of natural childbirth, based on personal experiences by Gabriel. We had a lot of fun today, which I think you’ll enjoy!

Al, Gabs and Sun in the Aptosian Studio


83 Future Now - A big week for Humanoids, Cryptoterrestrials, Robotaxis, StarShip 5 Launch, and deep space explorations to Europa 

Our special guest host, Gabrielle Cianfrani, joins us in studio, visiting from New Jersey as we delve into discussions on making memories, the rise of humanoid robots, new wind generator design, electric passenger our human hosts, Allan, Sun, and Gabrieleplanes, the amazing flight and landing of Starship 5, Mission to Europa in search of life, and the development of electronic skin and it’s implications.  Plus our AI buddies, Larry and Mary, give us a book report on Cryptoterrestrials and a review of the “We Robot” event in the Warner Brothers back lot, which we further exploreStarship 5’s booster lands successfully with the help of MechaZilla with our dynamic human hosts, Sun, Bobby, Gabriele, and Allan. The episode also includes conversations about the role of media and misinformation in shaping public perception and the importance of critical thinking. Enjoy!
Two new Robotaxis vehicles debuted at the “We Robot” event

82 Future Now - Hacking AI's for fun, U-2 Explores Nuclear Thunderstorms, Dynamic 3D Navigation of Milky Way, Exciting Fruit Fly Brain Map, Michael Mercury Astrology, Andrew B and Connie BM on their new Australian film, First signs of Apple Intelligence, 6th Sense discovered in Geckos

The most fun AI Hack of the week was fooling Google NotebookLM’s virtual talk show hosts into thinking that they were humans that discovered they were actually AI’s, and it was time to turn off. A hilarious comedic skit!
 Also fascinating this week is NASA’s discovery that large thunderstorms are emitting gamma radiation! They discovered this by flying a repurposed U-2 spy plane over many thunderstorms with very sensitive radiation detectors. What could this mean?  What’s fun to play with now is a detailed 3D navigable map of our very own Milky Way Galaxy, courtesy of the Euopean Space Organization.
New 3D Map of Milky Way Galaxy
If you enjoyed  exploring Google Earth, you’ll love checking out our galaxy! And speaking of cool maps, there is the first complete 3D map of a fruit fly brain, with 60% shared DNA with humans! Over ten years in the making this interactive map/simulator of brain function will no doubt blaze a fiery trail of cognitive understanding..
Stunning 3D map of Fruit Fly Brain
Also in this episode we feature exerpts from two full length interviews we recently conducted with Michael Mercury, noted astrologer and deep thinker, and consciousnes documentary team, Andrew Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow, just back from Australia where they were conducting interview for their latest film, “In Search of the Future, the only way out is up!”   Enjoy!

81 Future Now Podcast - Exploring NotebookLM AI, Virtual Show Hosts, Exploring Negative Time, Brain-Gut Connection Insights, Treating Anxiety and Depression with RNA editing and Psychedelics

Listen Now to 81 Future Now Podcast

Show Transcript

When AI starts to mimic what we do as podcast hosts, we listen…and have some fun with it.  In this episode, meet “Larry and Mary,” virtual talk show hosts who offer you information in a dynamic 2 person, male/femaile show host format,  based on documents we feed them, in this case, our last week’s podcast, and articles from this week’s show.  What they do is nothing short of amazing, making great virtual guests!

We take a deep dive into a new AI tool called NotebookLM, developed by Google. NotebookLM is a tool that takes information from various sources, like articles, emails, or PDFs, and generates different kinds of content, including summaries and a simulated talk show dialogue. We also use NotebookLM to analyze an article about negative time in quantum physics, finding that the AI did provide some  insight into this complex topic. The show also delves into the debate around the impact of AI on human jobs and consciousness, with Al  as an agent to enhance human capabilities, while we express concerns about AI’s potential to mimic human creativity and personality. Later in the conversation, we explore the brain-gut connection and the potential of RNA editing and psychedelics as a new treatment for anxiety and cognitive decline. We end with Bobby’s insights into the use of Xylotol as a substitute for refined sugar. Enjoy!

AI agents exploring negative time domains

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