Pharmacist Ben Fuchs speaks in Santa Cruz

After our show with Ben, he spoke for a couple of hours to the community at large about critial issues of health. We now present you with his talk, crammed with key info!
After our show with Ben, he spoke for a couple of hours to the community at large about critial issues of health. We now present you with his talk, crammed with key info!
Listen Now Dr. Future Show 11.08.11
Whew, a lot going on this week! The Kindle Fire has some new competition before it’s even released..if you are thinking of getting a Kindle Fire, check out Nook too.. now about this beaming/ripping open the very vacuum of space? Why? WTF? We attempt to tell you about this latest super-sized science experiment..we warn you, it’s not pretty…
And we are very pleased to introduce to you our guest today, pharmacist Ben Fuchs, a dedicated long time student of the living chemistry of the human biological organism. He takes what can be a very complex convoluted subject and makes it very comprehensible, and well, sometimes even funny! Well, he’s getting better at the stand up comedic element..the more he hangs out with the likes of us..
Not a big believer in strong will power, Ben has distilled much of his wisdom on creating a healthier body into a series of ‘hacks’ you can readily apply, given most person’s current lack of control over their own biosystem. My favorite bio hack is Ben’s idea of drinking some salt water in the morning, which supposedly eliminates your desire for salty foods, like pizza and pretzels, for the duration of the day.
“Pizza, Dr. Future?” ‘No thanks, I just don’t feel like having a piece. I had my salt water this morning..” (Gee, I wonder if a salt lick next to my toothbrush would work as well.)
He is a pharmacist by training who has spent the better part of his career educating the public about underlying science supporting many natural healing solutions, and exposing the toxicity of many common healing strategies. Part encyclopedia and part stand-up comedian, he talks fast and thinks even quicker, making him an ideal guest for our show..
Listen Now Dr. Future 11.01.11
This show is the first time Sun (Mrs. Future), myself, and co-host MC Hager, have all been in the studio together, and boy, does the show really take off! Lots of future think this week, and a few surprises for us as well, including a power failure while on the air, mystery control freaks, and a surprise singer creating a tune just for us! Ahhh shucks…
KSCO Engineers puzzle over mysterious power failure..
Listen Now Dr. Future Show 10.18.11
In this show, Mrs. Future introducing our mysterious new co-host, M.C. Hager, while Dr. Future awaits jury duty at the Santa Cruz Court House. During a break, Dr. Future reports in via Skype with some suggestions on how the jury selection process could be streamlined and the court generally, well, updated..
Also, Mrs. Future and M.C. explore Liberia’s experiments in social media crowdsourcing, more info about SIRI, the first networked AI personal assistant, the latest method of reprogramming stem cells, Microsoft Co-founder Paul Allen’s view on Ray Kurzweil’s concept of the Singularity, the Orbital Debris Quarterly, and other future now news..