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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


The Futures go mobile, visiting media wizard Mark Hager after a serious auto accident and physicist Nick Herbert on the faster than light "CERN Neutrino Speculator." 


Dr. Future Show 9.28.11 Special Edition

A strange thing happened after the live Dr. Future Show at KSCO this week- the station auto-logger did not record the show!  Sadly, we have no record of all the cool things we talked about this week.  Our links page does give you a good idea of the topics discussed, just not our opinions and perspectives or the questions and comments from our beloved listeners.  

So, after being bummed about this for a day, Sun (Mrs. Future) and I visited the most interesting call-in to  the non-recorded show, Mark Hager.  A tech wizard of the highest caliber, Mark has been responsible for setting up and operating the media at some of the biggest venues and shows in the Bay Area- i.e. the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, the TED conferences in Monterey, the HP Pavilion in San Jose. 

A couple of weeks ago he was in a head-on collision on Highway 9 North of Boulder Creek, and was airlifted to Stanford Hospital for a 9-hour surgical operation.  Among other things he had to have the femur replaced in one leg with a titanium rod, had his knee caps repaired as well as some major lacerations.

Wheelchair bound, we made him breakfast, and he shared with us some good info on how he has turned this ‘disaster’ into some invaluable insights about our medical system and ways to make it better, should you ever find yourself in such a situation.  He also takes us on a little journey into our species’ relationship with canines, as his golden lab, Sparky, is playing a key role in his recovery. 

Next up is Nick Herbert, a quantum physicist who shares with Dr. Future his understanding of this latest bewildering faster than light neutrino experiment at CERN in Switzerland.   He points out that measurement and timing errors only account for about 20% of the time difference between the speed of light and the speed of neutrinos.  (The CERN neutrinos are faster by 20 meters over a distance of 750 km). My favorite part of this conversation was when we were speculating on how ftl neutrinos may be useful to the stock market, and could be a great way to fund big physics experiments!  Gotta love the muse! Enjoy..


Beyond the USPS, Apple's Holographic TV plans, new 3D Printer Frontiers, guest Amara Angelica 

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 9.20.11

Can the Post Office pull itself out of it’s current dive into the dust bin of history?  Will Apple’s new 3D TV plans forever change the shape of television?  WIll our wallets go away, with the advent of Google Wallet? We delve deeply into these issues, stem cell research updates, and the future of manned space flight in the first half of this episode of Dr. Future.  

For the second hour, we are joined by Amara Angelica, a visionary futurist who  is co-founder and Editor of and its daily Accelerating Intelligence newsletter.   She was editor and researcher for two of Ray Kurzweil’s books, The Singularity Is Nearand Fantastic Voyage, and is Academic Model/Curriculum Lead for Singularity University. Amara’s eclectic background includes positions as operations analyst and human factors engineer for Grumman Aerospace for electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures systems, aerospace reliability engineer for General Dynamics, USAF electronics instructor, electronics field engineer at Philco Corp., senior systems analyst at Grumman Data Systems, science/technology writer/editor, video script writer for Reeves Communications, high-tech marcom consultant, radio producer/engineer at WBAI-FM, and patent writer/inventor/IP manager in biomedical, biophysics, and nanoelectronics technologies for Technology Innovations Inc., and is a member of the Space Development Steering Committee, American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, and on the board of directors of the National Space Society. Amara holds a BS in psychology/mathematics from the U. of Nebraska, and is an electronic musician, radio amateur operator (KF6TEJ), photographer, and videographer.


Spaceport rising, tentacles probing, nano sensoring ,bot nets descending, Tunisian freedom surprising, Eyeborg shares his family, Sponge Bob spares a little intelligence..

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 9.13.11

It is a big Dr. Future news week, with Dr. & Mrs. Future and co-host Michael Sigmon.  Have you been tracking solar activity lately?  Today a comet was consumed by the sun, with nary a CME.  And yesterday CME’s reared their massive torsos, flicking their gaseous tongues at us and the rest of their surrounds.

Highlights include an update on solar activity, botnets controlled a toy helicpoter, new nanosensors for fighting cancer, tentacle tech, Tunisian revolution tech and Sponge Bob’s impact on your intelligence.


Inventing the Holodeck, fungally created biofuel, Apple black ops, the latest adventures of Agent Nada.. 

Listen Now Dr. Future 9.6.11


It’s September, the summer is almost over, but not before we share with you the magic of our Labor Day weekend.  At half an hour into the show we have a surprise visit from Agent Nada, who regales us with tales from Harbin Hot Springs and the venerable Women’s Herbal gathering..warning..not for the strictly nerdy…she delves into female coming of age ceremonies with her daughter  that are quite heart warming..\

And geeky we do get, with our analysis of the collaboration between the SFPD and Apple Security over the lost iPhone 5, creating biofuel from organic waste via a fungal enzymes, the significance of the Starz/Netflix divorce, and this week’s cautionary tale- space junk!!



Videoing in Public Places, Hurricane Intelligence actions, new green funerals, diamond planet, Virtual Personaforms

Listen Now Dr. Future 8.30.11

With guest futurist Greg Panos in the studio today, anthing can and will happen.  Top of the news is the story of being able to film cops in action in public places, a contentious issue that brings forth the First Amendment.  Meanwhile, our Intel agencies are doing their bit to clean up Hurricane Irene, and a new more green method of funerals is being tried in Florida.  

Greg delves deeply into the idea of your own evolving personal presence in cyberspace, your “personal personnaform.” To both illustrate and entertain,  Dr. Future experiments with a few synthetic voices doing the news.

It’s also the week of Burning Man, and we have  a live report from 13-year old Ciaran Farley, his first burn, in the midst of Black Rock City in Nevada. We also hear from John Graham, who is making sure we have a live feed 24/7 from the playa.  That and a diamond planet, a UCSC Galaxy Simulator, the biggest data drive ever, and human powered tech, all on the show’s link’s page..