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Entries by Digeratti Allan Lundell (954)


44 The Future Now Show - Rings around Uranus, Dr.Nick on Abducted by Aliens, Transparent Wood, Interview - Astrological Mystic Michael Mercury on the Future Now and the Equation for Eternity

Listen to The Future Now Show 12.19.2023


Are repeated patterns throughout history essentially the same old stories in new contexts? Was Nick really abducted by aliens, or what?  Is transparent wood a thing? Is Uranus really as weird as an exoplanet?  Michael Mercury - Astrological MysticYes, we do tackle these issues with varying degrees of success this week.  And, I must say, we had a great interview with astrologer Michael Murphy of Sacramento in discussing his trajectory through life, and what is up, astrologically speaking, for the coming year, or, as we like to say, ‘future nowtime moments.’ We had fun chatting with Michael, and we predict you will enjoy listening to him! Happy High holy days!



43 Future Now Show - Interview with Kathryn Saari on social engineering local politics,Elon Musk/Alex Jones on X on evolution, bacteria improves mental health, microbiome affects moods, Billy Sunshine/Gabrielle Cianfrani check in from Key West, Mystery Origins of elements beyond the Periodic Table,Titantic sunk by fire?, Jimmy Stewart's voice resurrected for story telling!  

Listen Now to The Future Now Show 12.12.2023

Activist Kathryn Saari checks in, reminding us of how important it is to connect directly with our elected Kathryn Saari practicing ‘social engineering’ at Santa Cruz City Councilrepresentatives locally, such as our city council members.  Even though many city councils are now online, including ours in Santa Cruz County, it is much more impactful to actually attend the meetings and engage our representatives in person, especially if you are a beautiful woman.  (I made that last part up). Kathryn also suggests we stay on top of the county’s interest in automotive license plate readers and their potential abuses. 

This week Alex Jones was re-admitted to Twitter, er, X. after a multi-year ban, and Elon speaks to him directly on X Spaces, a truly epic conversation! We have a link and excerpt for you, with some deconstructions of the significance of this group voice chat. 

Also, our regular irregular caller/guests Billy Sunshine and Gabrielle Cianfrani check in from their resort party pad in the Key West,  Florida with their ‘report’ on what’s going on there with them.And if you like Jimmy Stewart you may love or possibly hate his resurrection for narrating a ‘sleep’ story.  We give you a sample that is ‘spookily’ effective.  Was the Titantic sunk by fire as well as ice?  New evidence suggests yes! And other new evidence suggests that our microbiome directly affects our moods.. pass the microbes! ..enjoy!


42 The Future Now Show - Wasabi and Memory, 6 synchronized planets, Con Trails study, Crunch Labs tests Octopus IQ (wow!), KISS Avatars Forever, The Riz rises, Cultural Hallucinations, Q* update, Canine illness mystery, Bloodsucking male mosquitoes!

Listen to Future Now 12.5.23

Welcome to the holiday season! We have lots of future news this week. Consider Wasabi for better memory, wonder about the super intelligence of Octopi, or the lifeforms found in a vast underwater city, 6 synchronized planets, and cultural hallucinations.  Marvel at the new KISS musical avatars, as the band finishes it’s last tour, ponder more about Q* and it’s significance, find out more about keeping your canine safe from a new disease, and be aware of ancient bloodsucking mosquitoes.. Happy Holidays from us all!

KISS debuts their avatar successors


41 Future Now Show - Chock Full with Future News, Billy Sunshine in Love, and Interview with Debra Giusti

Listen to 41 Future Now Show

This week is the start of the UN COP 28 in Dubai with what’s up with climate change. There is already some controversy regarding big oil deals being made there at oil central, but hey, who’s looking?  And more controversy at OpenAI, where it turns that there may indeed been an advancement in AI that triggered the current insanity there. AI has been used recently to help settle the debate as to whether is was an asteroid or volcanoes that triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.  Also of interest this week, drones carrying defibrillators for saving lives..about time after all their use in the current wars.

In the full edition, we bring you Debra Giusti, known in our community as the ‘Creatrix of Transformation.’  She shares with us some details of herepic journey to Egypt, where she was part of a sacred mission to not just visit but activate the sacred sites there..Say what? Hmmm…any connection to what’s happening in Israel now? We ask her.

Billy Sunshine checks in with his latest plans for an adventure in the Floriday keys with our very own Gabrielle.  We think he’s lost his sensibilities, but in a good way.. Enjoy!

Volcanos or Asteroid Extinction? AI’s weigh in..


41 Future Now Show - Interview - Debra Giusti - Creatrix of Transformation

Listen Now to Debra Giusti

This week we had the opportunity to speak with Debra Giusti, known in our community as the “Creatrix of Transformation.” She is best known for founding the grandmother of West Coast festivals back in the 1970’s,  Debra Giusti - Creatrix of TransformationThe Harmony Festival, showcasing the latest and greatest innovations of wholistic health, music, dance and art in the Bay Area until 2011.  Since then she has been supporting many personal growth and tranformation events and people, many of which are linked to her website.

We had the opportunity to work with her in creating video for the Saturday Night Alive internet TV series with Scott Catams, during the plandemic lockdowns, when much of the community was isolated and in need of more connection.

She recently returned from an epic journey to Egypt, where she was part of a sacred mission to not just visit but activate the sacred sites in that country. What does this mean, ‘activate’? In our interview she speaks of unlocking the secrets of these mystical landscapes as well as other mystical  adventures and projects with which she is currently engaged. Debra also discusses with us the massive consciousness change happening to our species, which she describes as an ‘ascension’ process.

To further explain (beyond our interview) ‘ascension,’ Debra has created a free download called “Ascension Tips,” described as “a simple blueprint to support your ascension journey.”

And if you specifically wish to know more about ‘Reactivating the Egyptian Sacred Sites’, check out her upcoming online event, “Egypt Reactivated.” Meanwhile, enjoy our interview with her!