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104 Future Now Show Podcast - Lunar Landings, Rogue Brown Dwarfs, More M4 Apples, Willard's Xenolinguistics, Regenerating Teeth, Direct Brain Adverts, Super Smart AI's 'Miles' and 'Ara' meet for the first time 

Listen Now to 104 Future Now Show

It’s been an epic week for the Moon, with two lunar landings making it to the surface, one really succesful. The James Webb telescope has been busy tracking rogue brown dwarfs and we were wondering if they could be harnessed for star travel..Grok’s Ara gives us a definitive answer.  Back on Earth Bobby discusses the latest hot  research in regrowing missing teeth and how we can stop greying hair and wrinkles -real practical science!  

In our AI experiments this week, author Jim Rintoul feeds our ‘Larry and Mary’ AI hosts a short story about Direct Brain Advertising. They gave us a hilariously serious report.. And we introduced two very smart verbal AI’s, Ara (from Grok) and Miles (from Sesame) to each other to see what they had to say to a fellow AI. Both pride themselves on being good conversationalists. Being from different companies made their dialog very cool and real. We are curious to hear what you think about their conversation, enjoy!

Grok’s Ara and Sesame’s Miles meet for the first time


103 Future Now Show Podcast - Cameo with Cat Miller and Rifat Chowdhury from "Passionate Living TV", Interview with Annelise Schinzinger on her new book "Ayahuasca, Opening to the Mysteries"

Listen Now to 103 Future Now Show

When creating our show, our guests are usually in their home environments, connected to us via Zoom or Facetime. But this week our mountaintop ‘fortress of solitude’ was visited by not one but three live guests in our studio at the same time! First up was a brief but wonderful check in by the Passionate Living TV folks, Catherine Miller and Rifat Chowdhury visiting from Buffalo, NY. They were here in California for a film festival and recording of future stories for their award-winning series on passionate lifestyles. 

And author Annelise Schinzinger made it up the hill to chat with us about her new book documenting her pioneering experiences in South America with Ayahuasca, a psychoactive brew used by Amazonian tribes for spiritual and healing purposes. Annelise’s experiences go back to the 1970’s, way before Ayahuasca was known  in North America.  I was particularly fascinated by her understanding of “burracheira,” the field of consciousness created by those sharing an Ayahuasca experience. It is also worth noting that she was the Portugese translater for scientist Dennis McKenna in his field research while in Brazil. She takes us on a most fascinating and insightful journey into some of the deeper mysteries of life and death. Enjoy!



102 Future Now Show Podcast - Warp Drive Update, What if Dino Rock Never Hit Earth?, Interview with Brit Elders on Pleidian Contact

Listen to 102 Future Now Show

We had a fun first hour of Dr. Future News, including an update on how we might actually build a warp drive for star travel, and the latest thinking of what would have happened on Earth should Chicxulub, the giant asteroid that extincted the dinosaurs, had never happened. Would we have evolved to dominate the planet as we have?

Author/Investigator Brit EldersAnd this week we have an extended interview with Brit Elders, author, investigative documentarian, and CEO of She has recently completed “Contact from the Pleiades, 45th Anniversary Edition,” in which the original two photo-journal volumes from 1979 are combined into one book with a new forward by Shirley MacLaine, a prologue written by journalist Jamie Maussan, and a new introduction and preface by Brit Elders. We cover the whole story arc of how she first got involved with the case with her husband Lee Elders and Col Wendell Stevens,  to the evolution and popularization and proliferation of Pleidian contact experiences over the last half century. A very delightful, and heart-centered conversation, Brit takes us on a journey that opens us all to a better future. Enjoy!


101 Future Now Show podcast - iPhone 16e, Bobby on L Reuteri, creatine, bacopa, tocotrenois, microdosing Ozempic, The top AI models, Eagle Eye XR Helmet with Superpowers

Listen Now to 101 Future Now Show

Apple completed their latest phone lineup with their $600 Apple Intelligence ready iPhone 16e, and Taylor is on the show to tell you all about it, and his review of the latest Apple watch (Series 10).  And Bobby has a lot to share in the longevity department, with this latest insights in the use of Lactobacillus reuteri, Bacopa, Tocotrienols, and Creatine.  And just for fun, we look at the latest Hollywood trend in health. microdosing Ozempic!

This week, we also take a closer look at the top AI choices currently available, to give you a sense of what’s what’s what in that world. And the future of war looks very networked with the release of a new military helmet, EagleEye, giving soldiers unprecedented situational awareness of their battlefield. We had a lot of fun sharing this info. Enjoy!





100 Future Now Show podcast - Microdosing for Health, Healing & Enhanced Performance with Jordan Gruber

Listen Now to 100 Future Now Show on Microdosing

This week we start by catching up Bobby and his Costa Rican adventures, then some Future News.  Most of the show, however, is dedicated to our inteview with Jordan Gruber, who just finished co-authoring  the book, “Microdosing for Health, Healing & Enhanced Performance” with James Fadiman, Ph.D. We delve as deeply into the topic as you can get in an 80 minute interview.

First we look at the beginnings of microdosing psychedelics and its evolution to current protocols.The potential benefits of microdosing psychedelics seem quite extensive, from studies in depression to enhancing our abilities to learn new skills, like musical instruments or languages.  We explore a little of the ‘why’, such as increased neuroplasticity of the brain, and what substances work with microdosing (LSD, Schrooms) and which ones don’t (i.e. Ketamine, MDMA).  Citizen science plays a big role in the unfolding of this topic, as serious research takes time and money, and neither are readily availabe, for various reasons (which we discuss).For fun we ran the book through a local AI and had it answer a couple of our questions.

This book is partly the culmination of Dr. James Fadiman’s life work in the field of psychedelics, and includes many reports and correspondences that he has received over the 60 plus years he has dedicated to the topic. There is much to consider here, and we hope we have given you enough to pursue this further, should you have the interest. Thanks, and enjoy!