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Want to Explore some New Worlds? Hop on the Eco-Bus for an 11-Day Exploration of Eco-Communities and Centers in SoCal. 

Listen Now to Bryan Arturo and Shayna Gladstone of Earth Journeys

Curious about current alternative living situations and new approaches in creating sustainable communitites? This week we speak with Bryan Arturo and Shayna Gladstone about their 11-day rolling retreat visiting eco oriented communities and education centers across Southern California. 

Shayna Gladstone, co-founder of Earth JoThere is a renaissance in thinking about community and sustainable living. Bryan and Shayna are offering an opportunity to experience this revolution first hand.  We talk with them about what one might see on this tour, exploring such topics as aquaculture, reversing draught, aquaculture, community collaboration, deep ecology, personal empowermentBryan Arturo of Earth Journeys processes, and a whole systems design approach to building.

We trust you will enjoy their perspectives on this most unique  Earth Journey experience.

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