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The Futures explore the Trump/Hillary debate with pundit Dave Spencer of Practically Republican,and lots of callers, including a Swiss and Texan POV.

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It was the day after the first Trump Hillary debate and naturally the populace wanted to talk about it.  But first we simply had to cover the NASA press conference on the water plumes of Jupiter’s moon, Europa, and Elon Musk’s big plan for Martian colonization. And naturally, we had an interesting conspiracy call about the secret government space and time travel programs to consider in our understanding of what’s really going on.

On a more pragmatic note, Dave Spencer, founder of Practically Republican shares his analysis of the Trump/Hillary debate, giving the’ bout’ to Hillary.  Dave, a fifth generation Rockefeller, founded Practically Republican to create a forum where “level-headed GOP supporters could make their voices heard at a time when divisiveness, anger and rhetoric dominate the party platform.” He believes the best way to save the GOP at this point is for Hillary to win the election.

In the second hour a Swiss caller, Fabian, gave us a Eurocentric perspective of our U.S. elections, and some insight into the gun control issue. In Switzerland, all able-bodied men are trained in a national militia, where they are issued automatic weapons to every household, after proper training.    In the gun issue we also have the Texan perspective expressed by “Joachin,” who speaks of guns as tools around the house and the Texas “needed a killing” law. Never a dull moment around here, enjoy!

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