Tesla Stock Surges, Parker Probes Sun, Updates on 5G and Homeless Issues, What Is Erotic crew in the studio, Bobby Wilder, Michael Moore on Corona Virus Updates

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 2.04.2020
It’s a wild ride this week on many fronts. Tesla’s stock surges past $900/share more than double it’s value solar closeupof last month, the Parker Probe sets new speed records as it screams by the Sun at 244,255 mph (393,044 km/h) as the closest spacecraft ever to the bright orb, at 11.6 million miles (18.6 million kilometers). For reference, we are 93 million miles from our local star.
This week, Mrs. Future gives us two reports on our local 5G and Homeless issues, and remembering Ram Das, who certainly played a significant role in our spiritual evolution.
The Futures with WIE crew, Yesenia Gypsy, Georgie Blewett, and Laura Bishop
We are visited in studio by Laura Bishop, director of What is Erotic?, an annual performance theater experience exploring just what is erotic this year..She is accompanied by Yesenia Gypsy, this year’s choreographer of the variety show, and Georgie Blewett, a cast member and current candidate for a UCSC masters degree. We explore some of the themes of this year’s show, such as issues of permission and cultural differences in dating, and effects of the ‘me too’ movement on the show.
In our final segment we explore the latest info coming in about the Corona virus, including reports from within China suggesting that it may be more serious than what we are being told. If you want to know more, check out our links page this week. Thanks for listening!