Future News - Sputnik Vaxers, J&J on their heels, Seaweed treatment, CO2 into Fuel, Ceres sports large salty sea, Huawei & the Five Eyes

Listen Now to Future News - 8.11.2020
Here it is, the middle of August 2020, and the virus is still going strong. Who knew? However, never before has there been so many brilliant minds focused on a common problem. This week, the Russians are taking action with their Sputnik vaccine, Johnson & Johnson have secured a multi-billion dollar deal with the US Feds for their vaccine, and heparin rich seaweed seems to be a good Covid prophylactic.
In space news, we’ve discovered that the asteroid Ceres may have a large body of liquid salty water relatively nearby Mars, in the asteroid belt! Could Cerean lifeform exist? Inquiring humans would like to know. And back on Earth, we explore the real reason why Huawei technology is being banned in the US, as well as in four other English speaking countries.. Enjoy!
Asteroid Ceres, and it’s mysterious bright spots