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Entries in robotic exo-suit (1)


Future News - Twisted Radio Beams, Wearable Robotic Exo-Suit, Portable Nuclear Batteries, Small Galaxy with a huge Black Hole, Light Bulb continues burning after 113 Years 

Listen Now to Future News - 9.23.14

Twisted radio takes on a whole new meaning with research from scientists at USC.  They passed each beam – which carried its own independent stream of data – through a “spiral phase plate” that twisted each radio beam into a unique and orthogonal DNA-like helical shape. A receiver at the other end of the room then untwisted and recovered the different data streams.   The researchers, led by electrical engineering professor Alan Willner of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, reached data transmission rates of 32 gigabits per second across 2.5 meters of free space in a basement lab at USC. Not bad, much faster than normal radio transmissions..perhaps SETI explorers looking for ET would have better luck looking for more ‘twisted’ signals..

It’s a good Future news week, we think you’ll enjoy our coverage!