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Entries in Quantum teleportation (3)


Future News - Blue Origin Gets into Space, ID TechEx explored, New qTeleportation Record Set, Cannabis bio-plastic created, MIT Time Capsule uncovered, Picture Phone almost changed everything, Particle Accelerator in a Shoebox, Biolab in a Breadbox

Listen Now to Future News 11.24.2015

Thanksgiving week is full of amazing future news, congrats to Jeff Bezos and the Blue Origin team for getting into space with their new craft!  We had a great tour of the high tech trade show IDTechEx and share our findings in a report this week.  

And least we forget the MIT time capsule from 1957 that was accidently found with a note in it, saying “Please Don’t Open til 2957.”  It had some very interesting contents, including an early invention that challenged the transistor itself..

Plus I can’t wait for my Amino kitchen BioLab, and soon, a particle accelerator in a shoebox from Stanford! It’s getting fun now, enjoy the show, and Happy Thanksgiving!



Future News - Fast Running robots, Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough, Schulgin Memorial, Greg Panos updater on VR/Augmented Reality, Taylor Barcroft on Apple's WWDC.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 6.3.14

We have great updates this week from our favorite operatives in the field - Greg Panos on the Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality scene and Taylor Barcroft on the latest with Apple Computer and their World Wide Developer’s Conference announcements.  

It was sad to report on the death of Alexander Schulgin, a pioneer of the mind via his research in psychedelic compounds.  We also lost Dave Blackburn this last week, a fellow explorer of the immersive digital frontier, and Galen Mitzryk, a brother who was exploring the future in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.

And just maybe we’ll be able to teleport one day, given the 100% transfer of the exact spin of an electron from one location to another..  A fun show packed with info this week!



Rosetta Project, Google+ Debuts, Twitter Town Hall, Consciousness Fysiks, Nick Herbert, Quantum Teleportation

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 7.05.11

In the first hour we introduce two guest hosts for the week, Michael Shane Sigmon, musician and entreprenuer, and 12-year-old geek Ciaran Farley, who provide fresh perspective  to the show and the news of the day.  The Rosetta Project has really captured much of our interest in this segment, about backing up the seven thousand currently spoken languages of our species.

In the second hour we bring on Dr. Nick Herbert, a quantum physicist featured prominently in a new book just published, “How The Hippies Saved Physics.”  Nick takes us on a little science journey from the labs of UC Berkeley to the hot tubs of Big Sur’s Esalen Institute, as we explore the very beginnings of modern day consciousness research. Young Ciaran is very curious about ‘quantum teleportation,’ and Nick shares his thoughts on the topic.. Beam on over!