A very dynamic show this week, with guests and call-ins and controversial topics. With all the hubbub lately

about UFOs or UAVs or UAPs or whatever you want to call them, we and our audience hypothesize why the government is releasing this info now. From biblical battles to alien AI’s, we cover the gamet.
Later we speak with Connie Baxter Marlow and primarily with Andrew Bailey, of Sacred Earth Enterprises, with a plan to build climate resilient ecovillages around the planet. Andrew speaks in more depth about their plans to reduce the atmospheric carbon dioxide issue via SRM, an approach to reducing impacts of climate change by reflecting some inbound sunlight back out into space. And did I say lots of callers checking in on all this? Enjoy!
L-R Dr. Future, Andrew Bailey, Connie Baxter Marlow, Mrs. Future
Future News and Reviews - McBride Magic Review, Virgin Space Breakthrough, Why UAVs now? Of ancient angels, aliens, and beyond duality, Andrew Cameron Bailey on Carbon, SRM, and Climate Change Solutions