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Entries in Mars habitat (1)


Future News - Huge Solar Flares, After 8 Months Mars Crew Emerges from Hawaiian Volcano Habitat, Exploring the Dark Side of Venus, Taylor Barcroft on the latest Apple Offerings 

Listen Now to Future News 9.19.2017

Imagine being stuck in a small dome with 5 other people for 8 months, broken only by the occasional walk outside in your spacesuit.  A group of aspiring Martian explorers just finished such an adventure in Hawaii and will be sharing what they learned. Even with it’s lack of air and cold temperatures, Mars looks a lot more inviting than Venus, given the latest reports from the dark side of our sister planet via the Venus Express spacecraft from the European Space Agency.

And besides having avoided a big brush with disaster from massive solar flares, this last week hearalded the latest in Apple gadgets for us, more shiny machines on which to spend our hard earned currency.  Our Apple expert Taylor  Barcroft takes us into this Apple world of gleaming tech, celebrating 10 years of iPhones with the  iPhone X, their hot new flagship product! Stand by for facial recognition of all parts body.. Enjoy..