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Entries in Libya (3)


Catastrophes, Earth Changes and Emergency Preparedness with Hallelujah Blessing

Dr. Future Show March 15th, 2011   Guest Hallelujah Blessing    Click here to Listen

Japan has a triple catastophe, and the world is watching Libya, world leaders feeling unresolved about opposing the cruelty of Gadaffi… What can Santa Cruz do to help? DrFuture has a number of suggestions to pass on involving internet and keeping the faith.  We have a visitor in the studio, Agent Bob Hoya, currently living in Thailand, who adds his insightful perspective to the conversation.

Our guest for the second hour is none other than Santa Cruz’s own Hallelujah Blessing, co-founder of Transmodular Hospitals and of the Temple of Yes.  A long time student of earth changes, he gives us a few scenarios to consider.  We also delve into emergency preparedness and what we can do here and now to be ready for earth changes.


Thinking our Way out of Extinction with guest Rebecca Costa

Dr. Future 3.08.11 Rebecca Costa       Listen Now

In Dr. Future News we delve into the Internet situation in Libya, the high tech sleep behavior of Americans, alien microbes, moon caves, realistic androids, eye-controlled laptops, and a new bionic eye.

The second hour features guest Rebecca Costa, a sociobiologist whose unique expertise is to spot and explain emerging trends in relationship to human evolution, global markets, and new technologies. 

Some of the basic precepts of her popular new book, The Watchman’s Rattle, are:

Humankind’s Cultural Complexity is exceeding our biological capability…

Biology evolves slowly compared to our culture and technology.

When complexity makes facts difficult to acquire, we experience ‘Gridlock’..a paralyzed state..

When gridlock happens we resort to beliefs instead of rational solutions and system collapse is often then not far away..

So, the question is, “Can there be a non-doomsday scenario solution for our species and what might that look like?”

Click on in, find out…


Frogs - The "Canaries in the Coal Mine" - The Amphibians and Mother Gaia

Dr. Future 3.01.11 Kerry Kriger  Listen

In the first hour we discuss the Libyan situation, the iPad 2, drones, and the Kinect device, with lots of call-ins. 

Our guest in the second hour is Dr. Kerry Kriger, who holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia. He is a recognized expert on the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis, and his research into amphibian declines has been supported by the National Geographic Society.  Also a practiced  “Croaker,” he can use his voice to call many species of frogs, and he has studied what they say and do for a decade… all over the world.