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Entries in Jordan Gruber (1)


100 Future Now Show podcast - Microdosing for Health, Healing & Enhanced Performance with Jordan Gruber

Listen Now to 100 Future Now Show on Microdosing

This week we start by catching up Bobby and his Costa Rican adventures, then some Future News.  Most of the show, however, is dedicated to our inteview with Jordan Gruber, who just finished co-authoring  the book, “Microdosing for Health, Healing & Enhanced Performance” with James Fadiman, Ph.D. We delve as deeply into the topic as you can get in an 80 minute interview.

First we look at the beginnings of microdosing psychedelics and its evolution to current protocols.The potential benefits of microdosing psychedelics seem quite extensive, from studies in depression to enhancing our abilities to learn new skills, like musical instruments or languages.  We explore a little of the ‘why’, such as increased neuroplasticity of the brain, and what substances work with microdosing (LSD, Schrooms) and which ones don’t (i.e. Ketamine, MDMA).  Citizen science plays a big role in the unfolding of this topic, as serious research takes time and money, and neither are readily availabe, for various reasons (which we discuss).For fun we ran the book through a local AI and had it answer a couple of our questions.

This book is partly the culmination of Dr. James Fadiman’s life work in the field of psychedelics, and includes many reports and correspondences that he has received over the 60 plus years he has dedicated to the topic. There is much to consider here, and we hope we have given you enough to pursue this further, should you have the interest. Thanks, and enjoy!