Listen Now to Future News and Views 8.4.2020
This week we catch you up-to-date with news on some new Covid-19 treatment modalities, with our science correspondent Bobby Wilder and wholistic health practitioner, Dr. Dan Beilin. Conversation includes updates on hydroxycloroquine, the 40 year-old anti-parasitic anti-viral drug, Ivermectin, the promising antibody research of Dr. Jacob Glanville, and a seaweed extract, RPI-27, often used in sushi.
On Space News this week we cover the splashdown of the Dragon capsule with astronauts on board, Amazon’s new space-based communication network, and Virgin Galactic’s new Mach 3 supersonic passenger plane.
And for your psycho-spiritual well-being, we introduce you to Prem Ashoka, a local Santa Cruz wise elder, who shares with us his mind-blowing shakti experience that put him on his spirtual path. Enjoy!
Prem Ashoka - Santa Cruz Wisdom Story Teller
Future News and Views - New Covid treatments Ivermectin, antibodies, RPI-27 explored,Dragon splashes down into history, Amazon's Kuiper Satellite Constellation, Prem Ashoka with wisdom stories for our times
Listen Now to Future News and Views 8.4.2020
This week we catch you up-to-date with news on some new Covid-19 treatment modalities, with our science correspondent Bobby Wilder and wholistic health practitioner, Dr. Dan Beilin. Conversation includes updates on hydroxycloroquine, the 40 year-old anti-parasitic anti-viral drug, Ivermectin, the promising antibody research of Dr. Jacob Glanville, and a seaweed extract, RPI-27, often used in sushi.
On Space News this week we cover the splashdown of the Dragon capsule with astronauts on board, Amazon’s new space-based communication network, and Virgin Galactic’s new Mach 3 supersonic passenger plane.
And for your psycho-spiritual well-being, we introduce you to Prem Ashoka, a local Santa Cruz wise elder, who shares with us his mind-blowing shakti experience that put him on his spirtual path. Enjoy!