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Entries in hyperloop (4)


Future News - 300 Million Inhabitable worlds in local Galaxy, Virgin Hyperloop Debuts, New Apple Silicon released, Ballot manulation via NSA's "Hammer" and "Scorecard" under investigation, Minks Stole the Covid, New Virus Detection by Coughing into App,UW, Pfizer, Lily Covid studies explored 

Listen Now to Future News 11.10.2020

Can you believe it, more Apple news? Yep, three major presentation in the last two months, and this one is all about the new Apple Silicon, and how it’s stream lining the Apple eco-system with high speeds and levels of coss platform compatibility. Apple tracker Taylor Barcroft is in the studio with the latest Apple info.

Not as much space news this week, but I found it fascinating that NASA’s latest estimate of inhabitable worlds in our local galaxy is about 300 million planets.  Talk about room for migration! All we need is some decent transportation, perhaps a future version of Virgin Galactic’s Hyperloop..

And lots of virus news this week, with the 90% success rate of Pfizer’s vaccine and promising reseach results from the University of Washington on their ultra-potent nano-particle vaccine. My favorite this week is the MIT research to create an app for your phone that can see if you have Covid simply by analyzing your coughs!  Bobby Wilder is in our virtual studio to help us sift throught the latest research.  Enjoy!






Future News - Hyperloop Contest, 1st Dr. Future FB Live show, Special Guest Dr. Bruce Damer on his birthday, Immigration Discussion with Ali Mohammed in Silicon Valley

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 1.31.2017

This week we have Dr. Bruce Damer in the studio, on his birthday, discussing his latest projects regarding the Dr. Bruce Damer on The Dr. Future Show at KSCO Santa Cruz, CAnext Mars Lander and origin of life locations. We later discuss with other guests  Silicon Valley immigration issues. What can be done, how can this whole situation be upgraded for us all?  Our guests share some great ideas, and are looking for your feedback..

And thanks to the technical team at KSCO, you can actually watch this week’s show at




Future News - Ground Hog Day Accuracies, Drones taken down by trained Eagles, Why Cats Hate being Wet, Hyperloop Transportation Expo, Alpha Go AI beats top human player, Species Memory 10x more than Previously Thought, Saturn Best Planet 

Listen Now to Future News 2.02.2016

Lots of animals in Future News this week, rodents predicting the end of winter, drones captured by Eagles, why cats hate water.  We have a new AI too, Alpha GO, Google’s Go playing AI that has successfully beaten the top Go player of Europe.  But all is not lost for humans this week - Apparently we have 10x more memory than previously thought, enough connections in our brains to be at about the same level of complexity as the entire World Wide Web! Wowie zowie, all we have to do now is figure out how to access all that memory, and just maybe we can get some respect from our evolving AI’s..

And beyond Earth, what’s your favorite planet? With a little help from The Atlantic, we make the case for Saturn!



Future News- Hyperloop, NSA Fallout, Alt Internets, NBC and Citizen Journalism, New Glass uses 

Dr. Future News 8.13.13 Listen Now

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop got a lot of attention this week, and why not?  It’s an invention that is far-reaching, useful, elegant, and could actually work for less than current mass transpo plans.  We take a closer look at it on this week’s news.  

More seriously, we take a deeper look at the fallout of the NSA’s massive spy campaign, it’s effect on secure email businesses, and alternative networks and technologies rising to continue our freedom of privacy, despite NSA’s campaigns otherwise.