Heart Bliss, live from the Mothership

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 6.28.11
In this episode we broadcast live from the Mothership, an amazing estate high atop a mountain peak near NorCal’s town of Healdsburg. With several guests, including Jesus, we spend the first hour delving into the Dr. Future News, VW’s new self-driving tech, power grid disruptions, saliva-based aging, wearable electronics, and Apple’s latest new control tech. We also have a special report from teen LA filmmaker Shannon Leonard on Final Cut Pro X.
The second hour is all about the Festival culture, and creating a new alternative lifestyle more suitable to our humanity than the current default reality. We meet the co-creators of Heart Bliss and Giselle Bisson, a journalist who has studied festival culture, and where it might take us. Interviews are peppered with a liberal dose of Heart Bliss music, the latest way cool NorCal festival in which we have participated.
This show is in stereo, so sit back and enjoy the music!