61 Future Now Podcast - Bay Area Solar Geoengineering for Brighter Clouds, Udio AI Audio Demo, Space News and Sonifications, Nordic Dave pilots his Cessna 182 to the Totality Zone and Lives to tell us about it!

Listen Now to Dr.Mrs. Future Show 10.18.2022
With special in-studio guest, Gabriel Cianfrani, today’s show starts off with a ‘burst,’ as look into the powerful gamma ray burster that lit up our skies earlier this month. Considered huge, it was nicknammed “BOAT,” the ‘Biggest Of All Time’. We are fortunate that it happened in a galaxy far far away.. We also take a look at the mysterious ‘burp’ of starstuff, emitted by a supermassive black hole. Supposedly nothing escapes the event horizon of a black hole, but somehow, remnants of a devoured star did..We wonder why..
Apple Computer had some special announcements today, so our Apple geek, Taylor Barcroft, is in the studio to inform us of the updates in the latest iPads and Apple TV’s. We then delve into several stories involving ‘spin,’ such as the successful Spinlaunch space launches, the ever spinning faster asteroid, and centrifugal coffee. Callers brought up some amazing aerial stories, such as that of DB Cooper’s plane hijacking, David Blain’s balloon trip, and Col. Terry’s spin on a socio-Ukrainian hot button. Enjoy!
The Futures with guest Gabriel Cianfrani
Listen Now to Dr. Mrs. Future Show 7.14.2020
Outer Space, Inner Space, all around the universe in today’s show! Our highlight is an interview with Celestine Star, a woman in touch with both her inner and outer astronaut.. Author of The Galactic Earth Council, Reintegration of Earth Kin and Star Kin, Celeste tunes us into what’s happening with the global Harmonic Convergence 2020 event and the plans for ‘calling in the ships,’ happening this week around the world. She also speaks to us of her personal mission for raising the awareness of us all to encompass our larger galactic identity. Enjoy!