Future News, Merry Memes, Collective Calls and Encouraging Omicron Views
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Omicron is coming, if not here already, and it has implications. Currently indications are that it could be
Resistance is Futile and It Will End Soongood - less lethality, more contagious, causing widespread herd immunity, ahead of all our species attempts to achieve the same results with vaccines and experimental immune system enhancers. And that would be the end of this current far as we know..
Instead of a guest this week, we have audio clips from some of our favorite sources of information on the virus, including Dr. John Campbell, Journalist Del BigTree on Coast, Dr. Joseph Campbell, DZDogg, MD, Marty Mackary, MD, and Vinay Prasad, MD on scintillating viral topics like Gain of Function, Natural Immunity, vaxxed superspreaders, and just maybe, global herd immunity from the virus, by the virus known by all as Omicron. Wouldn’t that be something?
Our callers share a bundle of viral info this week, including their favorite preventive measures and comedic thoughts on “Gain of Fauci” research. Enjoy!

Covid 19,
Gain of Fauci,
gain of function in
Future News,
talk radio,
talk show