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On the Dolphin Trail with Ed Ellsworth

Listen Now to Ed Ellsworth on Dr. Future Show

There are few peope I’ve known that have worked so extensively with dolphins, especially in the context of research and in introducing people to the species.

He was a Dolphin Researcher with Dr. John C. Lilly and the Human/Dolphin Foundation, in California. He was a Humpback Whale Naturalist with EarthTrust, narrating whale watching trips in Maui. He has led dolphin trips and workshops in the Bahamas for the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Ed founded The Dolphin Network, and published Dolphin Net, an educational newsletter, publicizing the plight of captive dolphins and campaigns about dolphins dying in tuna nets. He also led dolphin trips and workshops in the Florida Keys, Bahamas and Hawaii.  And today he leads us into their world..

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