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Interview - Physicist Nick Herbert on the latest Nobel Physics Prize on Bell's Theorem, Quantum Entanglement, and Non-local Reality

Listen Now to Physicist Nick Herbert

Quantum physicist Nick Herbert is our special guest for the full two hours of today’s show, speaking about the latest Nobel Physics Prize on Bell’s Theorem, Quantum Entanglement, and Non-local Reality. He and John Clauser, one of this year’s awardees of the prestigious prize, were colleagues together in the Fundamental Fysiks Group back in the 1970’s, when this line of research was being explored.

Nick makes the point that Bell’s Theorem was ignored back in 1964, when it was first espoused, not because it was bad science, but because it was looking at Reality, not theory, and physicists at the time considered Reality out-of-bounds for physics research. 

 So today we’ll be taking a fresh look at John Bell’s work, faster-than-light signaling, quantum encryption, quantum teleportation, making entangled photons, quantum computers, creating reality with our thoughts, and wondering whether consciousness is our reward for…’collapsing the wave function’?!! Enjoy!

Dr. Nick Herbert in the KSCO studio

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