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Hacking Occupy Wall St., Precrime Procedures, iOS update, Future Education with Sri Gyan McCaughan of Mt. Madonna School

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 10.11.11

The Hacker group Anonymous declared “war” on the New York Stock Exchange this weekend and vowed to “erase” the NYSE from the Internet.  Or is it Intelligence Agencies flying a false flag, just to confuse the situation? We explore two key audio missives ostensibly from Anonymous.  You tell us!  Precrime has never been so real, with the latest new neurotech and the plans of law enforcement ‘Vogons.”  The latest developments, which reveal efforts to “collect, process, or retain information on” members of “the public,” came to light through an internal DHS document obtained under open-government laws. We bring you up to date.  Find out what your new iOS5 and iPhone 4S can really do..Let’s keep that balance of power!

In the second hour, we feature Mt. Madonna educator Sri Gyan McCaughan exploring what he is doing to improve the quality of education for our kids.  Hint- it involves media literacy and imagination. Hear about the school’s science project,  which landed them on The Discovery Channel, and a picture of Sri Gyan with the Mythbusters! He also poses the question, ” Isn’t It Time to End the War Against Our Children?” 

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