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Future News - Variant viral updates, Starship 9 launch and crash, Ships reaching Mars this month, Drone launching of satellites, UK's autonomous road lanes, 3D search engine, Massive Vertical Farming Prototype 

Listen Now to Future News 2.02.2021

Happy February!  This week we discuss the latest on the Covid front, the variants, the effectiveness of the vaccines, therapeutics like Ivermectin, the manipulation of DNA in the mRNA vaccines.  In Space News, we look at the day’s Starship 9 launch and crash, the first all civilian Space-X crew, the Mars craft reaching the red planet this week, drone launching of satellites, autonomous roadways, the debut of a 3D search engine (Physna), vertical farming prototypes, and Mrs. Future’s new Oculus Quest. Enjoy! And lots of calls!

Star Ship 9 attempts landing


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