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Future News - Surviving the Weather, CA Virus Varient, Record 143 Sats in one launch, First trials combining LSD with MDMA, Fat cells repair body, Powerful Hydrogen battery, Hummingbird drone spies on Monarchs 

Listen Now to Future News 1.26.2020

Here it is only January and Mrs. Future and I have already

faced the threat of wildfires, high winds, and now floods and

debris flow near our mountain home this year. And it looks

like there is a new viral varient in town, mutated just for us

in California. Meanwhile, Space X this week has successfully

launched 143 little spacecraft sats in one Falcon 9 launch,

there is a new battery in town, well, in Australia, actually,

based on Hydrogen. And the coolest thing this week that

we’ve seen has got to be the drone disguised as a

hummingbird, for studying the behavior of Monarch

butterflies. Enjoy!


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