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Future News - Report on New Living Expo including clips of Danny Sheehan and Marianne Williamson, Hearing a Black Hole, an inciteful Smedley Butler moment , Electrically Modifying the Genome, Simple Efficient Portable Desalination System, Norm on Blue Ammonia Energy, Artificial Chlorophyll

I must say we enjoyed perusing the New Living Expo this year, a real live conference with many friends and favorite luminaries in attendance, the first time since the pandemic. We share a few of our experiences there, including talks by Bruce Lipton, Danny Sheehan, Marianne Williamson, Laura Eisenhower, and others.
A special visit to the KSCO studios today by my brother Norm, who shares info on Blue Ammonia and other renewable energy resources.  We also look at electrically modifying the genome, breakthroughs in plastic recycling, desalination, and artifical chlorophyll.  Enjoy!

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