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« Future News - 300 Million Inhabitable worlds in local Galaxy, Virgin Hyperloop Debuts, New Apple Silicon released, Ballot manulation via NSA's "Hammer" and "Scorecard" under investigation, Minks Stole the Covid, New Virus Detection by Coughing into App,UW, Pfizer, Lily Covid studies explored | Main | Future News Now: Copious Lunar Aqua, Asteroid Capture Crisis, Psyche in our Sights, Spotlight on Bitcoin as it's value rises, Open Letter from World Doctors Alliance to All on Covid controversies, Fat Fights Bacteria »

Future News - OSIRIS-Rex on its way home, Pole Shift Blues, Deleting Clouds with AI, Deep Space Network upgraded, new Astronaut Senator, NASA Chief Bridenstine report card, Starlink beta test results, Placebos as a real Therapeutic, University of Washington breakthrough research with a nano-vaccine for Covid-19, Detecting Covid by Coughing App

Naturally on election day we mostly didn’t talk about the elections, everyone else is doing that! But it does look like we have a new astronaut senator from Arizona, congrats to Mark Kelly! In other space news, we discuss the return mission of OSIRUS-REX, space-based AI for improved weather info by deleting photos with clouds, the upgrade to our global Deep Space Network, how our NASA chief admin, Jim Bridenstine, is performing, and the latest results from Starlink’s beta test.
In the Covid world, we report on the breakthrough research in a nano particle spike vaccine from University of Washington, and an AI-based app that can determine with 98% accuracy whether or not you have SARS-Cov2 from your cough, even if you are asymptomatic!  And because there was COVID alert at our KSCO radio station, everyone in today’s broadcast was at home! Enjoy..
Upgrades to NASA’s Deep Space Network for spacecraft communications

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