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Future News - Microwave Space Plane, Consumer Drone Weaponized, New Pain Drugs from Genetic Mutants, Newly Discovered 'Goldilocks Planet,' Metal Foam to the Rescue, Space Artist Don Davis and the New Horizons Pluto Mission, Update on the God Helmet.  

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 7.29.2015

We broadcast to you this week from a remote lake in the mountains of Quebec, Canada.  Lots of cool stories and Don Davis, Space Artistnews to share, including a report from Don Davis, a great space artist who shares with us his adventures at the New Horizons Mission Control Center, where history was made earlier this month, as we received the first closeup images of the dwarf planet, Pluto.  

Somewhat disturbing this week is the story on the weaponization of a consumer drone by a teenager, a sure sign of how we need to evolve our consciousness more quickly, to keep up with our technological evolution.  To help with that, we also bring you the latest research on the God Helmet, which brings a higher presence into your sphere of awareness by stimulating the temporal lobes of the brain.



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