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Future News - Cubesat to the Moon, Alpha Centauri down under, Michael Olsen on Farming and Beyond Burgers, Dall-E Draws Anything, Shane on Lust vs Spiritual Love Force, Cannabis and Bees, Marsha and the Hawks

Listen Now to Future News 6.28.2022

What a week it is, from epic space launches to  the crazy artist AI, DALL-E, that will draw anything you request, on the spot.  The photo you see here was generated from the description, “An astronaut riding a horse on the moon with earth in the sky in photorealistic style.”

We enjoyed having Michael Olsen stop into the studio briefly to chat with us, after being George Noory’s guest the night before on Coast to Coast! We spoke about why would anyone eat Beyond Burgers, such as Dr. Future, who loves them.  Shane checked in from Australia this week on how we might wake up from our collective amnesia, Mike on Earth as a vacation destination, and Marsha shared her multi-generational relationship with a local hawk family in the Redwoods. Enjoy!

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