Future News - Artemis Ho! Secret X37B Lands, Dirty White Dwarfs, Google Pays $392 Million for Privacy Violations, Nordic Dave on private aviation, Greg and Richard on the $10 Million Robot X-Prize, Gabrielle on Mushrooms and Coffee

Listen Now to Future News 11.15.2022
A fun show today with special reports on private aviation, the Robot X-Prize, and mushrooms with coffee. In Space News we are excited to see that Artemis is finally launching, yeah! And lets thank the Dirty polluted White Dwarf Stars for giving us our solar system..Also, Greg Panos and Richard Cray report on their observations of the current Robotic X-Prize, pushing robots to new frontiers of performance, and Gabrielle Cianfrani shares with us her research and development of a new mushroom product that plays well with coffee in reducing stress and anxiety. And Marsha, oh Marsha..calling about mushroom from her treehouse in the redwood forest..how fun! Enjoy!!