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Future News - Arecibo Collapses, Chang'e 5 Lands on Moon, New Clues to the Origin of SarsCov2, The Mysterious Monolith Appears and Disappears, Lunar Gas and Electric, The Wow Signal Update, A Slushy Solution to Power, Air, and Water on Mars, or anywhere for that matter. 

Listen Now to Future News 12.01.2020

 Have you heard of the famous SETI WOW signal, a powerful 72-second radio signal from a distant  part of the Monolith in Romaniagalaxy, heard back in 1977?  Using modern 3D galaxy maps, an amateur astronomy may have identified the star system from wence it came. Maybe the mysterious aluminum monolith that keep appearing and disappearing on Earth has a clue for us about WOW, but probably not.  Also of note this week is the Chinese landing on the moon for sending back rocks to Earth. Chang’e 5 has succesfully landed and has begun the task of drilling for core samples. And on the Covid front, a CDC study indicates that Sars Covid-2 was already in the US last December, based on antibody tests on donated Red Cross blood from many states.  We take a closer look.  Enjoy..


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