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73 Future Now Podcast - Interview with Katrina Vaillancourt, author of ReQovery-How I tumbled down the QAnon Rabbit Hole and Climbed out

Listen Now to Katrina Vaillancourt on QAnon Rabbit Hole


A professional mediator trained in Nonviolent Communication and a dedicated Bernie Sanders supporter, she found herself unexpectedly spiraling down the rabbit hole of QAnon, triggered by watching the “Fall of the Cabal” series, about how a cabal of Satanic cannibalistic child molesters operating a global child sex trafficking ring runs the Deep State, and hence the world..and that there were ‘good guys’, like Donald Trump, that would save us from this dark swamp of humanity.  She speaks of “Pastel Q,” on how QAnon propaganda was targeted toward Bernie type people like her, creating and enhancing an emotional bond to their narrative.  

In our interview, Katrina, with her husband Stephen, speaks of how she was captivated by the QAnon movement, how it affected her, and how she came to her senses and saw the movement from a more wholistic perspective, thanks in part to her use of NVC and communication with people outside of the QAnon world, like her husband.  A profound story of losing and then regaining one’s way, her story is one of hope, and staying sane in our turbulent world, a world further complicated by more and more fake news and false narratives of what is transpiring around us. Enjoy..

Katrina Vaillancourt


72 Future Now Podcast - World UFO Day, Polaris Dawn Mission, RoboGrocery packer, New Alzheimer Treatments, Dark Matters, Turion wins Space Sweeper contract, Cheap Fakes, Body Language Analysis of the Presidents, Borders as Membranes

Listen Now to 72 Future Now Podcast


Recognizing World UFO Day is a fun part of this week’s show, exploring some of the more interesting recent cases recently in the field..Did you know there were 138 UFO sightings in California alone in the last 6 months? And in our explorations of space, the Polaris Dawn Mission is about to take place, exploring space with humans 800 miles above the earth..compared to the 250 mile high International Space Station.  We also look at the latest in Alzheimer treatments and the body language of the presidential candidates. Enjoy!  

Mrs. Future celebrating UFO Day


71 Future Now Podcast - Mars Popcorn, Assange Freed, Augmented World Expo Report, Virtual Mother, War Politics and Tech, Birds-cows-poultry virus, Noise and Judgments, General World Modeling

Listen Now to 71 Future Now Podcast

Transcript of show

Something for everybody this week, from Mars popcorn, Assange’s freedom, a great report on what was happening at the Augmented World Expo in Long Beach with Nick Venden and Greg Panos, who blew away the conference by an introduction to his virutal immortality talk made by his deceased mother in virtual form!   We discuss the defense tech of Lucky Palmer, a celebrity in the XR universe, and its implications.  Greg demonstrates the power of Udio in making a lyrical song on the spot about Julian Assange’s release and Dr. Dan gives us an update on the Covid virus. Plus, we start with a pre-roll of stories before the show even begins.. Enjoy!

Pillow talk takes on new meaning.


70 Future Now Podcast - Kidneys in Space, Harvard Advanced Reptilians Theory, Michele Newman and Singing your Soul with Whales, SETI approach for probing advanced AIs, which came first, Fun or Love?  

It’s Summertime and living is fun, unless you are on a deep space mission.  Turns out our kidneys are particularly sensitive to radiation in space, failing after only two years..oh no, what now? Any solutions? We think so!
Harvard Cryptoterrestrial GradAnd finally, top academics are suggesting to their brethren that now is the time to consider more expanded concepts of the alien presence.  Ideas like advanced reptilians living underground, staying invisible to the likes of us, transdimensional beings moving through space and time in unusual ways,  ships that enter the earth through volcanoes, the ‘other’ intermingling and living with us for generations, doing who knows what to our minds. Science Fiction or Fact? At least such ideas are now being considered more seriously, or at least sincerely. 
Time sensitive this week is a sacred whale cruise in the Monterey Bay, hosted by Michele Newman, a psychic, healer, shamanness, and player of the crystal bowls.  Mrs. Future (Sun) beautifully interviews Michele about this upcoming cruise (Saturday June 22), and if you feel it’s time to connect with Whales in this way, here’s an “Opportunity Knocks” card! :-)
Our big AI story this week is about applying the rigorous scientific methods used by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (to investatigating and evaluating) the growing intelligence of the AIs. Not a perfect match, but lots of cross pollenation here!
And we end with callers, including “Master Now” who answers the question of the hour, “Which came first in the timeline, Love or Fun?”   Enjoy!!

69 Future Now Podcast - Apple Intelligence and WWDC 2024 Announcements, AI Steve runs for Office, Newly Discovered Alter-Magnetism, Gravity without Mass, Starship 4 Kicks Ass!

Listen to 69 Future Now Podcast


Big announcements from Apple at this week’s World Wide Developer’s Conference, and we have our very own Apple analyst, Taylor Barcroft, to cover the latest and greatest, and Bobby Wilder to discuss just what is “Apple Intelligence.” We think it is particularly exciting that developers will be able to employ AI to both make and be in Apple apps!

In Space News, Starship 4 has an amazing flight, Boeing Starliner makes it to the ISS,  Interstellar Clouds may have triggered the last ice age. And then there is gravity without mass, Alter-Magnetism, and AI Steve, running for Parliment in the UK. And then there is Mrs. Future’s plan to raise chickens.. Enjoy!