73 Future Now Podcast - Interview with Katrina Vaillancourt, author of ReQovery-How I tumbled down the QAnon Rabbit Hole and Climbed out

Listen Now to Katrina Vaillancourt on QAnon Rabbit Hole
A professional mediator trained in Nonviolent Communication and a dedicated Bernie Sanders supporter, she found herself unexpectedly spiraling down the rabbit hole of QAnon, triggered by watching the “Fall of the Cabal” series, about how a cabal of Satanic cannibalistic child molesters operating a global child sex trafficking ring runs the Deep State, and hence the world..and that there were ‘good guys’, like Donald Trump, that would save us from this dark swamp of humanity. She speaks of “Pastel Q,” on how QAnon propaganda was targeted toward Bernie type people like her, creating and enhancing an emotional bond to their narrative.
In our interview, Katrina, with her husband Stephen, speaks of how she was captivated by the QAnon movement, how it affected her, and how she came to her senses and saw the movement from a more wholistic perspective, thanks in part to her use of NVC and communication with people outside of the QAnon world, like her husband. A profound story of losing and then regaining one’s way, her story is one of hope, and staying sane in our turbulent world, a world further complicated by more and more fake news and false narratives of what is transpiring around us. Enjoy..