64 Future Now Podcast - Interview - Therapist/Medicine Woman Avi Esther on Amanita Muscaria
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

We had the pleasure of meeting Avi Esther last month when she was in town from the UK for speaking at the Discovery Sessions, the Bay Area’s annual gathering of the psychedelic community. The topic -
“DESTIGMATIZING AMANITA MUSCARIA.” Amanita Muscaria is that cute archetypal red mushroom with white dots. It’s psychoactive compound is muscimol, a potent agonist (activator) of GABA, a brain neurotransmitter known for calming effects, and plays a significant role in controlling bodily functions like mood, anxiety, and sleep. It is legal in the US, except for Lousiana.
Avi has researched it’s chemistry and biological mechanisms, Searched out myths and stories from the old world has worked therapeutically with this ancient ally. She honors the ancients of the land who worked with these entheogens alongside the science and ethical practices. We think you’ll enoy what she has to say about our old friend, Amanita Muscaria.

Avi Esther,
Discovery session,
amanita muscaria in