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The Futures appear on KSCO's Morning Show with Rosie, demoing and chatting about robots, thermal cameras, Glass, and singing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."

Listen Now to the Futures on KSCO’s “Good Morning Monterey!” with Rosemary Chalmers

We had a fun morning in the KSCO studios, chatting about robots with Rosie, who has been exploring the topic all month with the morning commute traffic audience.  Now it’s our turn.  We brought to the studio some fun toys, including the personable smart phone driven RoboMe, a FLIR infrared imager camera for the iPhone, and Google Glass.  Hulu, the station dog, was a bit wary of the robot, and took a pretty mean thermal image with the FLIR iPhone attachment!

And because we were the last guests of the week on the “Good Morning Monterey!”  we were recruited  to sing the Mony Python song, “Always Look at the Bright Side of Life!” with the KSCO staff as our signoff.  Enjoy!

:-) The Futures 

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