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Future News - New Snowden Releases imminent, Project Tango, Solar SuperFactory, Older Sperm , Limb Regeneration, DNA Data Storage, Lost Internet of the 1930's, New secure BlackPhone now available, Weaponized Drones for Sale

Listen to Dr. Future Show Now 7.01.14

This week we broadcasted live from Maui, Hawaii with our slate of Future focused topics, including a tantalizing piece on a new forthcoming Snowden release that will prevent a war.  We’ll see.. Also, Google had their annual I/O conference for their developers, with curious new projects like Tango and Ara. This week we also discuss a new space ride to the upper atmosphere in the planning, and Elon Musk’s new solar superfactory. Looking for secure smart phone communications?  We discuss a review of the new Blackphone, that just might answer your needs.  Hello? Is anyone out there? Do you feel secure yet?

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