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Interview - August O'Connor on Spring Gardens, Water, and Critters, oh my!

Listen Now to August O’Connor

August is our goto person for creating amazing spring gardens, using the most advanced low tech imaginable.  A contradiction of terms you say? Well, maybe, but I think you will appreciate her sage advice on how to get things rolling for a great garden, how to use water most consciously.  I also greatly enjoyed her wild animal stories, the critters that live in our  neighborhoods, like racoons, possums, birds, rodents, and skunks. Good to know who lives in your back yard and how to relate to them!

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    I have created a blog using Blogspot, and I want it to appear on Google Search. Can someone provide me with the steps to do so? . . Much appreciated!.
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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Interview - August O'Connor on Spring Gardens, Water, and Critters, oh my!

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